What Men Need To Know Before It Kills Them
Prostate cancer is the leading cancer diagnosed among men in the United States. Because prostate cancer is so slow-growing, many men, once diagnosed are told to do nothing but "watch and wait" for it to progress. Generally, prostate cancer is a progressive disease that is likely to grow and spread over a period of time, unless it is treated.
Unfortunately this form of cancer is diagnosed in an estimated 80% of men who reach age 80.The good news is that if caught early, prostate cancer is very treatable and usually curable. The bad news though is that very often it goes unnoticed and untreated.
Statistically 180,000 new prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in the United States each year with roughly 32,000 men dying from this disease annually. Some men may never have any symptoms or problems from the disease. Although these diseases have different causes, they have similar symptoms. The symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia or of other problems in the prostate may be similar to symptoms of prostate cancer. An early test can be performed on men who have no symptoms of prostate cancer.
There's growing medical research which implies that men who had a diet rich in selenium and vitamin E. had fewer cases of prostate cancer.
Researchers are certain that a low-fat diet along with appropriate vitamins and minerals can help keep you healthier and make you better able to fight off disease.
However, the symptoms associated with prostate cancer, are often misinterpreted as benign conditions.
Usually as prostate cancer grows, men tend to suffer from pain in the lower back, upper thighs and pelvis. Other symptoms associated with prostate cancer are complications in urinating, interrupted flow, finding it difficult to stop or start urinating, presence of blood in the urine and the presence of pain and burning sensation.
Choosing a treatment for prostate cancer is not easy. For the first time, research shows that hormone therapy, a common treatment for prostate cancer, can raise the risk of diabetes and heart disease. The appropriate treatment of prostate cancer is often controversial.
During the past decade, brachytherapy has emerged as a successful and cost-effective outpatient treatment for localized prostate cancer.
Treatments also include the placement of tiny radioactive pellets into the prostate by utilizing ultrasound. Treatment depends on the point of diagnosis and the severity of the disease. Treatment for prostate cancer can involve surgery to remove the prostate or radiation therapy. Androgen deprivation, or hormonal therapy, is the standard treatment for prostate cancer that has spread beyond the gland.
Medical Research is still learning a great deal about Prostate cancer and the many alternative treatments available.
By: Giselle Davis, Sanoviv -
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